Monday, July 8, 2019

Steampunk Botanist Costume / Cosplay

Last year we attended a Steampunk Murder Mystery night and it was great fun, so when another one came up this year we jumped to get tickets.
Unfortunately I had re-purposed my Steampunk Seamstress dress for my Ursula costume, so I had to think of something new. What a shame! 😆
Luckily I had picked this cotton dress up at an op shop, because as soon as I saw it I knew that it had a future in Steampunk.
But what kind of costume did I want? I have this metal ornament and it made me think of the Tinman from the Wizard of Oz:
Or the garment could be a coat over another dress?
But I didn't love either of them. 
Steampunk biologist? 
Steampunk Marine Biologist - I have beaded fish, an octopus necklace? 
That idea nearly made it up, but then I had a sudden thought when I saw the dried plants outside our house: botanist! 
I gathered everything that I could possibly use at home, as I was determined not to buy anything for this costume. And it turned out that I have a lot of flowers, brooches, pins, scraps...


I did end up buying one thing: a hat that I could decorate. I could have used one of my own, but didn't want to permanently alter them. Off to the op shop!
You have no idea how tempting this one was... I should have bought it anyway. 
The next one was also tempting, but not quite the Steampunk I was looking for.
 And then I found it! Plain, just ready for things to be added to it.
I saw the hat as an eclectic collection, of things haphazardly stuck on throughout interesting travels. 
After burning my fingers with the hot glue gun, I was really happy with how my hat looked. The white flower at the back and the green beading I wore in my hair for my wedding day! 
I decided to wear my pearl jewellery, but also craft some small bottles that I could pin/hang from the dress that I could put live plants in on the day.
Perhaps... I can be a little bit much 😉


Onto the outfit. I decided to use the grey dress as a coat, but put it over my Poison Ivy top:
And the underskirt from the Dragon Age Inquisition cosplay:

Combines to this, which I wore to the shopping centre afterwards... one lady said she loved my dress: 
From there it was a matter of adding layers of detail to the grey coat, and that was an awful lot of fun!
 Some eco-dyed fabric on the back, as well as the fabric necklace I made myself last year.
 More flowers and brooches keep coming out of boxes and places and being added to the outfit. IT weighs a bit!
And the flower from my friend's wedding to finish off one shoulder.

Final outfit

All dressed up and ready to solve a murder! 

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