What did I already own that I could use?
This dress:
This shirt to go under it:
This belt I already owned:
These op-shop boots I already owned:
These things I already owned:
Something my husband owned that I borrowed:
These presents from my mum!
These things from Spotlight:
What I made.
I needed a top hat for an upcoming Mad Hatter costume anyway, so I got a decent one to play with.
When I found the cheap sewing section in the local store I think I actually laughed out loud. $2 for most of those things, some of them multiple things for $2!
Necklaces: layered look, with ones I already owned and the pressie from mum. I was originally going to wear a cameo around my neck, but decided that the scissors were more appropriate.
Couldn't resist the little bottles to fill up with buttons, needles and beads to hang from my belt.
As well as the folding scissors on a velvet ribbon. Had to be prepared!
My belt looked like this, all detachable so that I could continue to wear it normally:
The embroidered pouch was an amazing birthday gift from my mother, my 21st I think!
Dress and shirt together:
Some half gloves:
Makeup and some buttons stuck to my face with spirit glue:

And I won best-dressed female on the night 🙂
I also took green food dye with me, to add to my drinks to make them into "potions". But I had to stop because it was freaking the bar staff out!! Oops!
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