Monday, January 16, 2017

Creative, Critters and Creatures

Although I can't sit down and paint, particularly fine details on things like models, I have the patience for fine bead and wire work.

I went through a period where I made a lot of flowers, like the one below. 💮⚘

Lionfish are my favourite fish 🐟. I love watching them swim, almost dance around their tanks. They look delicate and beautiful, but are also so deadly.
This love prompted me to make this one day, without any particular exhibition or market stall in mind.
He still sits at home today.
When I was going through a dragon phase, I finished up the small beads in a box and made the Rainbow Lizard below. He measured about 30cm long and I felt he looked a bit like a Blue Tongue Lizard in shape. He lives on a sheep station in New South Wales, on the mantle piece in the homestead.
If I can make a birthday or Christmas present, or make something to thank someone, I will. The Splendid Wren below was a thank you gift to a couple for having me stay with them for several weeks. It's a bit chunkier than the light little birds in the wild, but seems happy enough in its home.

It had to be fastened to the branch to stand up, as the body weight was too great for its little legs 🐦.

The wings move though, an accomplishment that I was happy with.
One of my favourite creatures that I have ever made was an owl named Hoodwink. As I recall, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out in 2009. My brother and I decided to dress up for the advance screening: he went as a Dementor, and I went as a witch. And a witch needs an owl, right?

Isn't he just adorable? One of my colleagues couldn't resist him, and bought him to sit on her desk at school. She hoped that he would be a talking point with students about wisdom.
 Lastly, though it isn't a creature, I found a violin that was going to be thrown out one day.

It had none of the attachments that it should have: strings, bridge, tailpiece, shoulder rest, fine tuners. So I filled in the gaps.
Last I saw it, it was hanging on the wall in a local school. I'd love to do another one some time.

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