Thursday, May 18, 2017

What is Corporate Wear?

Someone recently informed me that they don't believe I dress professionally enough for work. I was quite taken aback and it really played on my mind for a few weeks... and is continuing to in my evening choice of an outfit for the next day (and this blog post). 

What is corporate wear? If you Google it you get an awful lot of pictures of women in black pants, button-up shirts and black jackets. We actually have a corporate clothing guide at work, but nothing I wear contravenes this in any way, neither does it require me to wear only black, white and grey. And until I dye my hair neon I'm still not the most out-there person in the building.

In our discussion about my clothing, I listed some of the following reasons for my choices:

  • The weather: a lot of default corporate wear is polyester which is really, really hot. I work in air-conditioning, but I have to get to and from work and I go out for meetings and lunch. All of my skirts are cotton or silk, which is better for our climate. I would rather be comfortable.
  • Sizing: I find it hard to buy corporate clothing that fits. Slim, knee-length dresses are not right for me and my shape, but there are a lot of them around. Knee-length is that bit short for me, too, with my size. I prefer that my dresses are comfortable when you're sitting, not just standing.
  • Pants: I hate pants. Just hate them. I hate how I feel in them (fat, essentially), how they bunch up, the unflattering shape and the way a lot of them these days have no pockets and an elastic waist. If they can make jeans that fit and are flattering, why can't they make black pants the same?? 
  • Blouses: button up shirts are not for me. I swear they increase the visual size of my bust. And they're often too tight and not terribly flattering.
  • Colours: yes, I dress in all colours of the rainbow. Sometimes literally all colours of the rainbow in one garment. Which I may have paired with a bright blue top. But there is no requirement for black and white in the office now, is there?
  • How I feel about myself: is probably the strongest reason for me. Putting on a uniform to go to work was always a drag, whereas looking through my cupboard of bright, handmade clothes and being able to put them on and spend the day in them makes me happy. We spend so much time at work that I don't think we should be unhappy or uncomfortable for this time.
In contrast to the first opinion, someone reminded me that my clothes are one-off designs, totally original. Again, we spend so much time at work, when else would I get to wear them? For me it's a pleasure to wear beautiful fabric, rather than use it for cushions or a quilt.

I do wear a blue patterned top with a bright orange skirt (which also has a bit of blue), but they're contrasting opposites on the colour wheel and the outfit totally pops! Not everyone's cup of tea, but I have been complimented on it by strangers in the street.
Also, the rainbow skirt above. I call it my 'Crazy Rainbow Skirt', just for the sheer amount of colour in it.
And the nearly holographic owls.. but this is my favourite fabric just about in the world.

This post isn't meant to be an accusation. I didn't agree with the opinion about my clothing and it initially upset me a lot, but it did make me reflect on my style and how I present myself to the world of work.. and wonder if a couple of my outfits were a bit out-there. 
I reviewed my wardrobe and retired a couple of things to non-work wear (particularly a couple of tops, which I replaced with some nice black ones). Made a new skirt less complicated/visually interesting than I had been planning, which worked well because it made it elegant. Decided that maybe the rainbow skirt could still be worn, but toned down by pairing it with a black top. 

But I will continue to wear the orange and blue combination because it rocks and, more importantly, it makes me happy.

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