Friday, December 8, 2017

Op Shop Refashion - Pants for my little niece

My friend and I regularly take her daughter, who is 3, op-shopping with us. She enjoys rummaging through the clothes, books and things as much as we do. Recently when we went she pulled these pants off the rack:
She likes her super heroes! It's nice flannelette material too, good for cooler weather.
The problem was that they were a size 8: length-wise they were taller than her!
Her mother suggested that if she asked her aunty very nicely, I might fix them for her. And so she did 😊 It's far easier to take things in than it is to make them bigger, so I knew that it was achievable.
There was a second pair that she picked out and asked to be fixed too. I think we may have started a new game with her!
Very soft, comfortable fabric.
Also waaaaaaay too big!
Luckily I had found a cute skirt for her in the op shop as well, so I had something to base the size off. 
I figured that with the elastic waistband and ties, the existing waistband would be the right size; it also appeared to be okay when I laid the skirt against it. She is growing so fast!
The tricky part would be the crotch of the pants. Obviously I would need to take it up, otherwise it would hang so low that she wouldn't be able to move.
 Using the skirt as a guide, I pinned it to where I thought it should be. I'll sew the new seam, then cut it down and overlock the edges to seal.
I looked up what the length of pants should be for a 3 year old and was surprised that it was 40cm. But when I thought about it and how tall she was getting, I realised that it must be correct.
So I measured the pants up and made cuts.
After that was done it was a matter of hemming the bottom of the legs and they were ready to go. 

With the Superman pants as a guide it was easy to fix the loveheart pants to match.

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