Friday, May 11, 2018

Op shop skirt refashion - Zipper to No-zipper

A friend found me this fabulous skirt in an op shop and thankfully it fit! I've worn it for a couple of years, but I've noticed that I don't wear it often and this is because it has a high, tight waist.
The top of the skirt sits right under my bust and even though the olive green part is cotton it makes it a bit hot in our climate. Because it's firm it also makes me feel a bit self-conscious about my stomach.
Now that I'm trying not to buy clothes and am in refashion mode, I decided that I would convert it to another style of skirt.
You can see here that the zip runs the width of the olive green part. I unpicked to remove it and continued to unpick all the way down to the bottom hem.
What I suspected I'd have to do with this skirt was add fabric in to make it wide enough to pull up: it sits pretty flush at the moment. I went trawling through the stash and found this: 
I thought that, even though it had a lot of colours, they resonated with different colours in the skirt.
Sewing, always sewing: I cut a wide panel, hemmed all of the edges and the sewed new seams.
Once the sides were sewn it was an easy hem at the top and bottom.
And I added a pocket, of course! I can't live without them these days.
Aww, I found a bow that used to be on a headband when I was a kid. I LOVED this fabric! Better wear it again.
Finished skirt! No elastic, no zip, just slides on over my head.

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